‘Balochistan Will Put Up a Strong Fight in 9th NFC’
In October 2018, Finance Minister of Balochistan, Arif Muhammad Hassani called a press conference. He started his monologue about the critical financial conditions, which his government had inherited from the predecessors. He claimed that the budget deficit of Balochistan for the year 2018-19 is Rs. 75 billion and the government does not have the required amount of resources to funds its development programme. However, one particular statement he made towards the end of his monologue shocked the journalists in attendance. “Balochistan government will not be able to pay salaries to its employees, from next year onwards, if the federal government did not come for help.”
This claim of Arif Muhammad Hassani summed up the financial health of Balochistan. According to critics, the Balochistan government is facing a financial predicament owing to several years of bad governance, ill-planning, and misutilization of the budget. The province is running a huge deficit and as a result, it’s facing severe resources constraints while its development needs are rising. The financial problems of Balochistan are expected to linger on unless the province gets a good deal in the upcoming 9th National Finance Commission (NFC) Award.